Degenerative and vascular cognitive discorders

This team, made up of clinical and pre-clinical researchers, is multidisciplinary. It is located at the interface between neurology, pharmacology and imaging. The research project is focused on the translational, transnosographic and multimodal study of cognitive disorders associated with degenerative processes or neurovascular lesions, starting from the observation that the mechanisms are entangled.
- Axial symptoms : biomakers for neurodegenerative diseases
GAIT’N PARK: Prospective analysis if gait disorders in Parkinsonian syndroms with connected insoles (2020 in progress)
IPARK: connected insoles for gait rehabilitation and falls prevention in PD (2020 in progress)
Gait is a crucial biomarker in Parkinsonism because it is progressively and inexorably affected in all the cases, with different components and different time courses. However, the time course of occurrence, the specific phenomenology and the functional handicap can be very heterogenous among the population. Unsupervised assessment of mobility technologies appears to be essential for the long term evaluation of mobility and personalized clinical decision making in neurology as it reflects the daily life of patients which is what is targeted by any kind of therapeutic intervention.
A large panel of common gait parameters can be assessed during a long time window, during gait, postural transitions or turns: step length, speed, cadence, walking acceleration, stance time, step time, swing time, stand-to-sit duration, sit-to-stand duration, average turn angular velocity and many others that can be deduced from basic parameters.
The development of connected devices like FeetMe® or PKG devices Monitor insoles brings highly valuable data to clinicians, whom can better understand patients’ mobility (number of steps per day), activity (non-motor symptoms like apathy) and even paroxysmal events occurrence (number of FoG, falls, near falls…).
Team: Caroline Moreau (MD PhD HDR), David Devos (MD, PhD, HDR), Luc Defebvre (MD, PhD, HDR), Guillaume Grolez (MD, PhD), Thomas Ollivier MD
DRI CHU Lille : Pauline Guyon-Delannoy (project manager), Edouard Millois, Marie Pleuvret
Internationals collaborations:
Prof Alice nieuwboer, full professor Faculty of Movement and Rehabilitation Sciences KULeuven; Belgium.
Prof Bas Bloem, neurologist and researcher at Radboudumc. In 2002 he set up the Parkinson Centrum, Nijmegen,The Netherlands.
Dr Anat Mirelman,PhD, Associate Professor, Sackler School of Medicine and Sagol School of Neuroscience at Aviv University; Director of the Laboratory for Early Markers of Neurodegeneration at Tel Aviv Medical Center; Tel Aviv, Israel.
Dr Serge Pinto, PhD, Research director, CNRS laboratoire parole et language, Aix en Provence, France
Dr Anahita Basirat, PhD, Laboratoire SCALab UMR CNRS 9193 Lille, France.
Industrials Collaborations:
Feet Me, Lundbeck
Labels/ financements:
- 2012 Association France Parkinson: « PRO-DY-GI Park » Prospective study on Dysarthria and non-dopaminergic symptoms in PD
- 2012 CHU de Lille « TEP FOG »
- 2014 Université de Lille Scientific Excellence Prize of the Lille University
- 2016 Association France Parkinson / association Vaincre Parkinson : « PRO-DY-GI Park II » Prospective study on Dysarthria and non-dopaminergic symptoms in follow up & multimodal MRI study IRM
- 2017 Prize of University Foundation for the Innovative Therapeutic Strategy of DIVE (Dopamine with intracerebroventricular administration)
- 2018 Prize I-LAB: French National concours to help the creation of start up for innovative technologies: the start-up InBrain Pharma
- 2019 Association France Parkinson/Association Vaincre Parkinson/ Lundbeck et Feet Me : projet « Gait N Park »
- 2020 Prize Defi Santé CHU Lille and Eurasanté for IPARK (connected insoles for gait rehabilitation and fall prevention in PD)
Faits marquants
PARKGAIT-II: Multicentric study of Methylphenidate to Treat Gait Disorders and Attention Deficit In Parkinson's Disease. Protocol ID: 2008-005801-20; NCT00914095
TEP-FOG: A real time PET analysis for freezing of gait in PD (2010-A01329-30)
FOGG-I: Monocentric study of Memantine for Gait Disorders and Attention Deficit In Parkinson's Disease Protocol ID: 2008-008210-38; NCT01108029
PRODYGI-1: Prospective study on dysarthria and other axial non dopaminergic symptoms in PD(2012-A01544-47)
PREDISTIM: Multicentric study of the predictive factors of the therapeutic response to subthalamic stimulation on the long-term quality of life and study of the pharmacogenetic factors of the L-dopa treatment response in Parkinson’s disease Protocol ID: 2013-A00193-42; NCT02360683
PRODYGI-2: Prospective study on dysarthria and other axial non dopaminergic symptoms in PD, multimodal approach(2016-A01544-47)
DIVE: Evaluation of the safety and efficacy of continuous dopaminergic stimulation by intracerebroventricular administration of anaerobic dopamine conserved in Parkinson's disease at the motor fluctuation stage. Protocol ID: 2018_49
Moreau C, Pinto S. Misconceptions about speech impairment in Parkinson's disease. Mov Disord. 2019 Oct;34(10):1471-1475. doi: 10.1002/mds.27791. Epub 2019 Jul 15. PMID: 31307114.
D'Cruz N, Vervoort G, Fieuws S, Moreau C, Vandenberghe W, Nieuwboer A. Repetitive Motor Control Deficits Most Consistent Predictors of Conversion to Freezing of Gait in Parkinson's Disease: A Prospective Cohort Study. J Parkinsons Dis. 2020;10(2):559-571. doi: 10.3233/JPD-191759. PMID: 32039860.
Moreau C, Devos D, Baille G, Delval A, Tard C, Perez T, Danel-Buhl N, Seguy D, Labreuche J, Duhamel A, Delliaux M, Dujardin K, Defebvre L. Are Upper-Body Axial Symptoms a Feature of Early Parkinson's Disease? PLoS One. 2016 Sep 21;11(9):e0162904. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0162904. PMID: 27654040; PMCID: PMC5031440.