Science for all

We would like to congratulate Agathe Launay from the A&T team and Justine Peters from the BBC team who both reached the regional final of the competition which took place on March 17, as well as all the doctoral students who participated in the exercise.

With Clicks,
explain the research professions and create vocations.


Thank you to the teachers, staff and students of the Thérèse d’Avila and Louis Pasteur high schools in Lille for their welcome.

Congratulations to our apprentice researchers Sarah Dupont, Morgane Cochez and Manon Florent

from the Lycée Marguerite de Flandre (Gondecourt)

for their “JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF THE BRAIN” exhibited on June  1th at the Institut Pasteur in Lille.

“My thesis in 180 seconds

“My thesis in 180 seconds” allows doctoral students to present their research subject, in 3 minutes, to a lay and diversified audience.

With just one slide !


Follow the “Hauts de France final”, On 24 March at 4 pm.

And support Laurine Decoster, finalist,  with her thesis entitled: The role of olfactory GnRH neurons in the control of chemosensory information processing and neuroendocrine changes in mice.


A look back at our participants from previous years:


Elodie Leroux
Finalist : Marine Denechaud (see the vidéo)


Marie Tautou
Finalist : Thomas Rico (see the vidéo)


This year, our laboratory welcomes 3 pairs of middle and high school students (Collèges Verlaine in Lille and Lycée Marguerite de Flandre in Gondecourt) who will present their work at the congress on June 1, 2022.

DECLICS (Dialogues Entre Chercheurs et Lycéens pour les Intéresser à la Construction des Savoirs)

Our teams are involved in introducing high school students to research as part of Operation Déclic

Vincent Prévot’s team “Development and plasticity of the neuroendocrine brain” works in particular at the Montebello high school in Lille.

Luc Buée’s team “Alzheimer & Tauopathies” went to meet the students of the College Nina Simone in Lille.


My 3rd internship at Inserm
Our teams also welcome college students for their week of observation in a professional environment.

Week of the brain, 24st edition from March 14 to 20, 2022

Understanding Alzheimer’s Disease

A file INSERM prepared with researchers from the Alzheimer’s & Tauopathies team.



Science Celebration,  Edition 2018
Center staff held a booth on the theme “”researchers face the mistake.

“Le Monde Science & Médecine”
, wednesday 17th january 2018 :A renewed atlas of the human embryo
A work associating Paolo Giacobini and his group has allowed French teams to obtain images of unprecedented precision.
